Please Continue… #1 // RoboCop vs Terminator

In this series of presumably semi-regular features, I’ll going to be bringing up games from the past that for one reason or another deserve another chance to shine.  Whether that opportunity comes in the form of a re-release, a remake, or a sequel will be addressed case by case.

RoboCop versus The Terminator
Multi-Platform (1993~1994)

The original Terminator and original RoboCop movies are defining movies in my life.  See somewhere in the mid 90s (around the age of 7~10) was when I first got to see these films, which was nearly a decade before I’d of been able to actually buy a ticket to see them.  To this day I can remember my first exposure to them. Continue reading “Please Continue… #1 // RoboCop vs Terminator”

Hands-on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

or in Japan they might call it…
get it?
no?… see it was a very specific reference to how only Japan tagged “Super Mario Bros. 4” onto the title of Super Mario World, and technically this is the 4th article I’ve got out of one mighty exciting day at the Nintendo UK Switch Premiere.  >>FYI: JAPANESE SUPER MARIO WORLD BOXART<<

With that bit of mediocre yet educational humour out the way, let’s get into this!!

Continue reading “Hands-on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild”

What ya’ playing? – 2017 Week 3

It’s been a quiet one on the game playing front for myself this past week.  Part of that is due to putting a bunch of time into writing up my Nintendo Switch preview pieces for the site as well as working on some other ideas.  Got myself a whole bunch of articles and think pieces I’ll look forward to sharing as and when I get round to them, and I’m very appreciative of the support given so far.

Spent a chunk of time refreshing the look of the site too.  Improving things for both desktop and mobile views of the site.

Continue reading “What ya’ playing? – 2017 Week 3”

Having played the Nintendo Switch… [Part 3]

In case you’re landing here through a search engine or shared link…
Day 1 -> The Switch itself, Sonic Mania, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Day 2 -> Joy-Cons, 1 2 Switch, Why the price?

Jumping straight back in…

Next on the hitlist of Switch games I played at the event was the new IP “ARMS“.

During the Switch Presentation, the trailer seemed relatively fun, but then afterwards when it became apparent this was to be considered a big title that was asking for £49.99 UK / $59.99 US.  It seemed a bit bare bones for the price.

The Switch UK Premiere had quite a few setups of “Arms” on display so it was relatively easy at any time to get some games in.  Me and one of my friends I was there with were simply walking towards something else at the time and a Nintendo promo team guy was lively and enthusiastic about getting us to play the vacant machine he was in charge of, so it would’ve been rude not too. Continue reading “Having played the Nintendo Switch… [Part 3]”

Having Played the Nintendo Switch… [Part 2]

No formalities.  Just continuing on from Yesterday.

No pun intended, but after getting to grips with Zelda, Sonic Mania, and Mario Kart 8, and trying out the Switch’s numerous play styles (TV, Tabletop, Handheld).  I figured I’d seen enough to get my seal of approval.  I was sold on the idea.

  Though to be fair, I don’t put up much of a fight when it comes to buying games consoles.  I was raised on video games, I collect them, I could talk about them all day, I gradually get tattoo’s of them, and ven though I’m armed with a smartphone swelling with games, I still pretty much go everywhere with at least one handheld on me.

Whether it’s my little cereal prize sized Game Boy Micro, my 3DS, my Vita, or even my little GPD XD Android handheld.  The idea of ever being sat somewhere with nothing to do is probably an irrational fear of mine, unless I’m sunbathing on holiday, where I’ll happily stare into space and find zen, and not just because the sun causes screen glare and prevents any gaming, honest >_>.

GPDXD – Amazon UK // GPDXD – Amazon USA

As I was saying though.  I’m not the market that Nintendo need to convince.  So unless you were already an existing Nintendo fan, or just fancied treating yourself to what was new in the world of gaming devices, then I’d totally understand if you’re on the fence to this point.  Stay with me though…here’s where I go into the next and possibly greatest revelation I had with the Switch. Continue reading “Having Played the Nintendo Switch… [Part 2]”

Having played the Nintendo Switch… [Part 1]

2017 will be going down as another footnote in Nintendo history, this being the year that Nintendo introduce their “Switch” console to the world.

Once upon a time it went by the codename “NX” which some speculate that to of actually meant “Nintendo Cross”, which in turn was to be a nod to the fact that the core idea for this system is that it is BOTH a home games console, crossed with an ambitious portable system.

After Nintendo gave us our first look last October, followed by a surprise showing on Jimmy Fallon in December.  We’ve been left eyebrows raised and ready to know more.  Whilst in the meantime a consistent internet rumour mill has been causing us plenty of highs and lows, whys?! and woahs!.

…’til Friday the 13th came along that is (late Thurs 12th in the US).

Continue reading “Having played the Nintendo Switch… [Part 1]”

What’ya Playing? – 2017 Week #2

Fingers crossed I should have some interesting content coming up this week, perhaps most notably I got to go to London yesterday to have a hands on with the new Nintendo Switch.  Rest assured I can’t wait to share that experience.

I also plan on doing a bit of proof reading on the Winter in Gaming feature (that is still seasonally relevant, FYI).  Posting those daily was a handful amidst December and some articles that didn’t have a banner image or I didn’t catch a paragraph going off course, I’ll hopefully tidy some of those ends up and eventually be able to proudly point to it each year (whilst adding future installments).

Continue reading “What’ya Playing? – 2017 Week #2”

Awesome Games Done Quick

Back in 2012, through Twitter, I got word of an annual event that has ever since been a great buffer in terms of helping me look forward to  something in the short term when it comes to heading into a new year.

Going back into the regular 9-5 grind after a few extra days off after the holidays (knowing no further holidays are in sight for a while), with a side of worrying if the new year ahead will turn out to be a bad one can be a kicker.

Maybe it’s just my brain defaulting into a negative mindset?  Either way, it’s nice to have somethings to look forward too heading into a new year, and whilst video gamers will generally have numerous upcoming new games to be excited for in any given year.  We can be also be a very impatient bunch.  So it’s a gift from the gaming gods that we get treated to “Awesome Games Done Quick” very early into every January…

Continue reading “Awesome Games Done Quick”

What’ya Playing? 2017 Week #1

Simple premise.  Each week throughout the year it’s the site objective to share what I (@kermit1986) the ol’ webmaster of this place, and any featured guests of the site that week (essentially anyone else that provides content or assists with my own content on the site).

Week #1 of 2017

  • Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary Edition – PS4
  • Octodad: Dadliest Catch – PS4
  • Just Cause 3 – PS4
  • Never Alone – XBOX One
  • Dead Rising 4 – XBOX One
  • Kinect: Disneyland Adventure – XBOX 360
  • Turok the Dinosaur Hunter – PC
  • Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Transformed – PSVita
  • Super Mario Run
  • Disney TsumTsum
  • Pokémon Go

Continue reading “What’ya Playing? 2017 Week #1”

Winter in Gaming – Day 31 // Fighting Games!!

‘Cause nothing warms you up quicker than rage right?

Ok, just hear me out…

Fighting Games are a great parallel to the New Years Resolutions that an awful lot of people will be claiming to take into the new year.

If you was take a swab of the average video game player who’s played a fighting game, their skill level will likely be the casual button basher type.  Someone with a varied level of familiarity to how these games work and just sort of mash directions and buttons in hopes of pulling off something flashy.

Whilst that might awkwardly get the job done against people who do the same thing.  In reality it’s as if you entered a Pianist competition and in between some beautifully played music by others you simply came in and started whacking keys and hoping for the best. Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 31 // Fighting Games!!”